• Welcome to StreetWyze!
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  • Welcome to StreetWyze!

StreetWyze is innovating the Marketing & Events Services fields, and we're doing it all so you don't have to!  We believe you should host your event- not manage it, so let us handle All Of It!

   We bring you our diverse background to Provide a stress-Free experience leading up to the event date, and ensure seamless execution on the day of your event. We provide you with our skills, acquired from  10 years of professional experience in the food & beverage, marketing & advertising, media & broadcasting and hospitality fields, giving you the All-inclusive convenience!

   We love our community! We are working to help create a home that truly embodies the "almost heaven" state of mind, and to do that we need to water our roots to grow, collectively. .We also believe that West Virginia houses some of the most talented artists in the world, but they may never get the opportunity to share the beauty they create with the world, therefore, we ONLY use vendor and artist/entertainment services local to the Mountain State! Did we mention that when you book us for your event we donate a portion of the proceeds to a local nonprofit organization of 


We cultivate community cULTURE one event at a time

You deserve to enjoy your event, not stress about it! No matter the size, occasion or detail we guarantee our talents, expertise and unique ideas will give you everything you envision and more! So go chill, and let us take care of everything.